የቅርብ ምስል
የአፍሪክስ መተግበሪያ ለማውረድ ይቃኛል
Afriex QR ኮድ
ወይም በጽሑፍ በኩል የማውረድ አገናኝ ያግኙ
የተሳካ እርምጃ መውሰዱን የሚያሳይ ምልክት
የእርስዎ ግንኙነት በጉዞ ላይ ነው
ስኬታማ አለመሆንን የሚያሳይ ምስል
ይህ በዚህ ጊዜ አልተሳካም፤ እስቲ እንደገና እንሞክር።
ወደ መተግበሪያ መደብር ይውሰዱኝ

One account, endless possibilities

Unlock global financial opportunities effortlessly with a free USD, GBP, or EUR bank account designed to easily receive international money transfers.

Receive international payments like a local

Avoid currency exchanges and fees; focus on your work while we handle international payments.
*Our bank accounts are region specific. Click below to find out if a USD, GBP, or EUR account is available for you.

Get a free USD, GBP or EUR account

Open a free account today and enjoy seamless international money transfers with no hidden fees.

Enjoy faster payments

Get paid quickly and efficiently, experiencing seamless transactions that save you time.

No unnecessary hassles

Perfect for global professionals and businesses looking to simplify their finances.

Receive from your favourite platforms

Receive payments directly from your favourite platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Deel and more.
*Our bank accounts are region specific. Click below to find out if a USD, GBP, or EUR account is available for you.

It’s simple to get started

Follow these steps to set up your account and start receiving payments from your clients seamlessly.
1. አካውንት ይፍጠሩ
ለ Android ወይም ለ iOS የእኛን መተግበሪያ ያውርዱ, ይመዝገቡ, እና የእርስዎን አካውንት ለመጠበቅ መለያዎን ያረጋግጡ.
2. Get verified with your ID by our team
Verify your identity to protect your account and  enjoy our full range of services.
3. Create your foreign account
Create your USD, GBP or EUR account and share with your clients.

For everyone with global financial needs

Receiving money from abroad has never been easier. Stay on top of your finances no matter where your clients are.

Seamlessly receive international payments from around the world

Receive money from anywhere in the world directly into a US Dollar account, British Pound account or an Euro bank account, ensuring fast, secure and hassle-free international payments every time

Send, receive and exchange in 10+ currencies

Whether you're receiving or sending money abroad, Afriex is the best international money transfer app, offering competitive currency exchange rates with zero fees.

Send, receive and exchange in 10+ currencies

Whether you're sending funds abroad or exchanging currencies, we ensure seamless and secure transactions for all your global financial needs.

Keep track of your transactions in real time

Monitor each transaction as it happens and maintain full control over your finances.

Hear from satisfied customers who trust Afriex for all their banking needs.

ላይ እንደተመለከተው
የአፕል አፕ ሱቅ ሎጎGoogle Playstore ሎጎእምነት የሚጣልበት የፓይለት ሎጎ
This app is awesome! The convenience of using Afriex is top notch! I’m a proud user of Afriex and I’m glad to be one of their numerous customers!
I have absolutely no regrets at all.
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
Afriex transaction is always fast, I can say it's reliable because I've never experienced any negative issues since I've been using the app., their exchange rate is one of the best
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
Afriex is swift fast and very very very reliable, I have been using it for quite some time now and it doesn’t fail to deliver I send money easily and it goes in minutes
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ
የደንበኛ ምስክርነት ኮከብ ደረጃ

Everything you get

Experience seamless transactions, robust security, and personalized support tailored to your financial needs.
Quick signup
A dedicated bank number
No account opening fees
Swap to any currency
ከፍተኛ-ውህድ ደህንነት
Zero maintenance charges
Instant withdrawals to any account
Instant transaction notifications

ልታውቃቸው የምትፈልጋቸው አንዳንድ ነገሮች

የመጠየቅ ችግርን ለመታደግ ለጋራ ጥያቄዎች መልስ ሰጥተናል።
How do I create a foreign account?
ጥቁር ፕላስ ምልክት
To create your foreign account as a new user, download the Afriex app, sign up, and complete your ID verification. Once verified, navigate to the wallet screen and click on "Create Account" in the 'Create USD Account' section.

If you are an existing user, simply go to the wallet screen and click on "Create Account" in the "Create USD Account" section.
What kind of foreign account can I open?
ጥቁር ፕላስ ምልክት
For those in the US and Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon and Ivory Coast), you can open a USD account.

If you're in Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Ireland and Italy), you can open an EUR account.

Residents of the United Kingdom can open a GBP account.
How much does it cost to convert currencies in my account?
ጥቁር ፕላስ ምልክት
Converting currencies in your Afriex wallet is completely free.
አፍሪክስ አስተማማኝ ነውን?
ጥቁር ፕላስ ምልክት
አፍሪኮስ በጣም አስተማማኝ ነው። የግል መረጃዎን ደህንነት በቁም ነገር እንቃወማለን። ሁሉንም የግል መረጃዎች ኢንክሪፕት እናደርጋለን, ስለዚህ የእርስዎ መረጃ ሁልጊዜ አስተማማኝ ነው. እኛ የክፍያ ካርድ ኢንዱስትሪ የዳታ ደህንነት ስታንዳርድ (PCI DSS) ማሟላት. የእርስዎ መረጃ ፈጽሞ አይበላሽም እና የእርስዎን መረጃ ፈጽሞ አንሸጥም.
How much are your fees?
ጥቁር ፕላስ ምልክት
We do not charge any fees for receiving money into your foreign bank accounts.
ተጨማሪ ጥያቄዎች አሉኝ? ለበለጠ በተደጋጋሚ ለሚጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች እዚህ ይጫኑ